Flower Bouquet
Each piece of work is created as a unique and magical experience based on inspiration in life, a variety of seasonal flowers and the story you share with us.
There is a brief form after you click “Purchase”, you may select your preferred color palette and flowers there.
Little Romance Size (30cm wide), refer to the picture with a girl in it.
Aloha Size (40-45cm wide), refer to the most pictures, highly suggested for any occasions.
Grand Size (50-55cm wide), if you want make a WoWW impression, Grand size is perfect for you.
Each piece of work is created as a unique and magical experience based on inspiration in life, a variety of seasonal flowers and the story you share with us.
There is a brief form after you click “Purchase”, you may select your preferred color palette and flowers there.
Little Romance Size (30cm wide), refer to the picture with a girl in it.
Aloha Size (40-45cm wide), refer to the most pictures, highly suggested for any occasions.
Grand Size (50-55cm wide), if you want make a WoWW impression, Grand size is perfect for you.
Each piece of work is created as a unique and magical experience based on inspiration in life, a variety of seasonal flowers and the story you share with us.
There is a brief form after you click “Purchase”, you may select your preferred color palette and flowers there.
Little Romance Size (30cm wide), refer to the picture with a girl in it.
Aloha Size (40-45cm wide), refer to the most pictures, highly suggested for any occasions.
Grand Size (50-55cm wide), if you want make a WoWW impression, Grand size is perfect for you.